Our Favourite Vendors
Penfolds Catering | info@penfoldscatering.com.au |
Cuisine on Cue | catering@cuisineoncue.com |
Picnic set up
Picnics in Paradise Gold Coast | emilythompson24@yahoo.com.au |
Forever Us Events | jo@foreverus.com.au |
Maleny Jewellers | info@malenyjewellers.com.au |
Morgan & Co | morgan@morgancojewellery.com.au |
Starfire Diamond Jewellery | enquiries@starfirejewellery.com |
Michael Hill | online@michaelhill.com.au |
Headress Designer
The Little Pack of Five | katw@live.com.au |
Cake Designers
Cakes by Judy C | judyc@cakesbyjudyc.com.au |
Deelish Cake Creations | deelishcakecreations@gmail.com |
The Sweet Society Co. | enquiries@thesweetsocietyco.com.au |
Wedding & Event Planners
Wild Heart Weddings | hello@wildheartweddings.com.au |
Osmic Productions | info@osmicproductions.com.au |
Event 5 | julz@event5.com.au |
Carly Slade | info@carlysladeweddings.com.au |
Jake & Lei Newell | gday@jandaevents.com.au |
Your Story Celebrant | danielle@yourstorycelebrant.com.au |
Ceremonies By Emma | hello@ceremoniesbyemma.com.au |
Sommer Saunder Celebrancy | hello@sommersaundercelebrancy.com.au |
Natasha Hill | natasha@hillscelebrant.com.au |
Blue Bird Invitations | tabitha@bluebirdinvitations.com.au |
Little Event Boutique | info@littleeventboutique.com.au |
Music / Band / Musicians
Janda Events | gday@jandaevents.com.au |
Francesca's Flowers | info@francescasflowers.com.au |
Kate Dawes Flower Design | kate@katedawesflowerdesign.com.au |
Jacqui M Design | jacqui@jacquim.com.au |
Willow Bud | sandi@willowbud.com.au |
Sugared Style | tanya@sugaredstyle.com.au |
Flower Studio | bloom@flowerstudio-goldcoast.net |
Wild Lotus XXX | contact@wildlotusxxx.com.au |
Wildplay Flora | enquiries@wildplayflora.com.au |
Beautiful Wedding Blooms | style@beautifulweddings.com.au |
Table Accessories
Linenbarn Australia | hi@linenbarn.com.au |
Get Forkd | hello@getforkd.com.au |
In the Booth | brisbane@inthebooth.com.au |
Slow Motion Photo Booth | bris@slowmo.com.au |
Deluxe Kombi Service | info@deluxekombiservice.com.au |
Dried Flowers
Coco Lane | Coco.lane@outlook.com |
Wedding Stylist
Sugared Style | tanya@sugaredstyle.com.au |
Beautiful Weddings | style@beautifulweddings.com.au |
Brandition | nicola@brandition.com.au |
Staging Creations | dale@stagingcreations.com.au |
AV Ideas | info@avideas.com.au |
Styled Events | info@styledevents.com.au |
Simple Style Co | info@simplystyleco.com |
Makeup Artists and Hairdressers
Bella Brides | lucie@bellabrides.com.au |
Twidale Hair & Makeup | info@twidale.com.au |
Amanda Higl | info@amandahigl.com.au |
Bella Rae | hello@bellarae.com.au |
Evalyn Parsons | evalyn@evalynparsons.com |
Tyneale Hahn | hello@tynealehahnmakeupartist.com |
L'ARTISTE | lartistecoiffeursalon@gmail.com |
We are Twine | info@wearetwine.com.au |
Feather & Finch | hello@featherandfinchphotography.com.au |
Jo Barthlomew Photography | jo_bartholomew@hotmail.com |
Untamed Creative | info@untamedcreative.com.au |
Wildflower Weddings | kirsty@wildflowerweddings.com.au |
Joel and Courtney Films | courtney@joelandcourtneyfilms.com |
Sundown Film & Photography | tahlia.mcfarlane@outlook.com |
Untamed Creative | info@untamedcreative.com.au |
Motion Art | geoff@motionart.com.au |
Mears Production | info@mearsproductions.com |
Event Details
Kombi Keg Bar | info@kombikegbrisbane.com |
Event Letters | bookings@eventletters.com.au |
Fairy Light Hire Gold Coast | esideent@hotmail.com |
Spread love Celebratory Confetti | spreadlovecelebratoryconfetti@outlook.com |
Mobile Caravan Bar & Vinyl DJ | hello@headoverwheels.com.au |
Fairy Tale Event Equipment Hire | hire@fairytaleeventequip4hire.com.au |
Old Dairy Maleny | info@theolddairymaleny.com.au |
Gabbinbar | info@gabbinbar.com.au |
Babalou | functions@babalou.com.au |
Maroon Hill Estate | enquiries@maroonhill.com |
Walkabout Creek | info@walkaboutcreek.com.au |
Kooroomba | enquiries@kooroomba.com.au |
Osteria | info@osteriaweddings.com.au |
Tiffany’s | weddings@tiffanysmaleny.com.au |
Hillstone St Lucia | weddings@hillstonestlucia.com.au |
Wynmere | enquire@wynmere.au |
Coolibah Downs | info@coolibahdowns.com.au |
Fleays | info@fleays.com |
Blackbird | info@blackbirdbrisbane.com.au |
Victoria Park | weddings@victoriapark.com.au |
Braeside Estate | events@braesideestate.com.au |